16 August, 2024: New Cribbo

There may be such a thing as "speaking it into existance."

Though, I sincerely hope that this is not the case for the bulk of that which I speak. On the other hand, in this case I am very pleased. I found a new apartment at an excellent rate, with a very agreeable landlord. The new lease is significantly better than where I was before. To be fair, that room in Brownsville allowed me to save and work towards this. But that room was hardly enjoyable. This new apartment is in a slightly nicer area, much quieter, and three times the living space. At less than 800 USD a month too, how can I complain?

With the aid of my father, I did finally get a lawyer for early termination. I am very fortunate to have my parents back in my life. I visitted them both this past weekend, it was a short ways out. I do wish I could make the trip more often, but thay may have to wait until the next big purchase. More on that later.

A new school term starts, and I am very confident. My last grades were about as good as I wanted. It seems I'll be in town working on my associates until Fall of '25 if I am lucky. Then maybe I can move on to something more exciting.

There is so much more to add, but maybe I'll add that later. There is so much to do today!

- Kain Humphries, 16 August 2024