03 October, 2023: Keeping on.

It's been a while since I've updated my blog, or my website at all. Whoops! Haha.

Not much has happened. My landlord went on vacation for a while, and during that time I donated plasma once (no issues, yay!), painted a room, and... That's about it. I quit nicotine entirely a few weeks ago. I kept trying and failing to quit but I think I've found a mental loophole. I have a hard time staying accountable to myself, which is something I've been working on. I am, however, quite good at keeping my word to others (the trick is to not lend it out so much). "Others", as a term, is a lot more ambiguous than many would think.

But I digress.

I have stayed in nutritional ketosis for pretty much all of September. I believe by the end of October, I should be fat adapted. I tracked my macros for a single day and learned that I was starving myself! 800-1000 calories a day was what I was getting in, and *maybe* half my macros. I upped everything, measured out my electrolytes, and things have been a lot better.

There is so much more to write, but I need to work on the website itself more and that keeps distracting me from this blog entry! cliffnotes: got the soldering iron for the "laser idea" and I am going to put that page up soon showing a rough idea of what I want to do. It's a smaller version of what I want to make in the future, but it will make great practice and hopefully a cool gift for my dad. Maybe if I actually come through and make him an awesome "laser pointer" he will give me a couple important documents...

I have until May to finish, which should be plenty of time for a semi-working proof of concept, and also for me to re-enroll. UWF said they'd take me back, PSC debt amount has been (sadly) agreed upon, and I am excited to actually devote all my time to school. If I line my finances up right, I should only have to work part time. It helps that my monthly cost of living is only 700-900$, including food and subscriptions. I've been able to pay off this last loan, as well as settle some other things.

My frickin' FICO8 jumped up to ~620! (Vantage3 is at 637 atm). My goal was 600 by the end of the year! I was elated to see my credit card finally show up on my reports. I try to carry a less than 5% balance, and the few times I have maxed it out (being retarded) I paid it off within 21 days. Maybe I can get to 650 by January...

I have a good feeling about the holidays, but that's usually a bad sign. So, I'm going to double down and make sure everything is perfectly arranged - that I am in line with my probation (October 12th meeting, 11:15am! AAAH!). I received an excellent birthday present as well! Now all I have to do is pay my monthly fee. I also think I can't drink. I reread two orders and they specified alocohol. He said I could drink, but I don't know. I can't really drink on keto anyways, but a state-sanctioned Michelob Ultra here and there *after I turn 21* would be nice.

- Kain Humphries, 03 October 2023. I need to learn to relax on my own.